我們來自韓國首爾的好朋友 Alice Cheongdam,連續兩年獲得亞洲前50酒吧的肯定,今年再次來拜訪台灣了!
這次連同我們最溫暖主理人Terry Kim一道前來的,還有首席吧台手 Albert Jin Yong Lee,他們將帶來五款時尚細緻的創意調酒。映襯這絢麗陣仗的也是不平凡的基酒:潮到出水非冷凝過濾干邑Martell NCF、質感奢華伏特加Absolut Elyx,以及除了龐德之外,時下巴黎女人也最愛的餐前酒Lillet Blanc。
不論你找尋著什麼,這一夜請跟MQ一起做夢,義無反顧掉入Alice Cheongdam的兔子洞,感受江南歡樂自由的高能量,嚐幾杯精緻調酒款待自己/你最愛的人。
In partnership with Martell NCF, Absolut Elyx, and Lillet Blanc, we will be holding a fun & trendy night where Terry Kim and Albert Jin Yong Lee, our guest bartenders will be serving up five exclusive, innovative handcrafted cocktails. Treat yourself and discover the wonder of Alice Cheongdam (ranked No.15 on 2017 Asia’s 50 Best Bars list) at the one night only guest shift in MQ Taipei.
《Alice Cheongdam》
2016 Best Bbars 50 in Korea 1st, Bar and dinning Magazine
2016 Asia’s Best 50 Bars 11th
2017 Korea Best 50 Bars 1st
2017 Asia’s Best 50 Bars 15th
MQ [ Marquee Taipei ]
RSVP 訂位專線: +886 (2) 2729-5409
營業時間 Operating Hours :
週一至週日 Monday~Sunday 08:00PM~2:00AM
– 酒後不開車 安全有保障 –
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