6月29日 ★★★ Summer Blast ★★★

WPFB2013-06-29W950xH352 (1)DJ Serpico和DJ Ginl帶來的“夏日炫風”,即將橫掃Marquee!

炎炎夏日就要來臨,讓我們的“夏日炫風派對”,為您的夏日揭開序幕!我們也別出心裁,在飲料上融入夏日風味:伏特加與西瓜汁的巧妙結合,還有Swimming Gin和Planter’s Punsch等水果酒,保證消暑。



Marquee proudly presents our Summer Blast party featuring DJ Serpico and DJ Gin on June 29th!

Kick off the summer season here at Marquee at our Summer Blast party on June 29th. Beat the heat with our special vodka infused watermelon cocktails or cool down with one of our punch bowls – a steady Swimming Gin or a good ol’ Planter’s Punsch.

Stand a chance to win a luxurious summer inspired gift box by Vanitytrove in our lucky draw!

For RSVP & Reservations please call/訂位專線:+886 (2) 2729-5409


★ www.heineken.com.tw
★ www.vanitytrove.com.tw
★ www.facebook.com/DJBDrink

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