Archive for March 13th, 2013

What’s cooking?

最近想吃什麼呢?為了跟你一起迎接春天的到來,Marquee特別準備了春意盎然的新菜單,內容也推陳出新;除了熱門的迷你漢堡,也有你沒嘗過的夏威夷式肋眼牛排等新菜色。快跟Marquee一起,來一場探索味蕾的食物旅程吧! Spring is in the air and here at Marquee we celebrate that with a brand new menu! We have best selling “classics” such as our mini burgers coupled with delightful new dishes such as our Hawaiian rib eye. Join us for a gastronomic journey and a culinary adventure at Marquee! We look forward to […]